Monday 11 March 2019

Inane Aphorisms

I am not the quickest thinker, nor the deepest. Generally this has not hampered me too much in life - and there have been times when being able to entirely clear one's mind of thoughts has been a wonderful safety mechanism.

It does not make for easy controlling of wise and intelligent characters, both NPC and otherwise. Fortunately my latest character for a new 5e campaign rolled a 6 for their intelligence, so I can resort to playing the fool. This will not do as a GM of another campaign, though.

I want to have a saying for every occasion. The relevance to the occasion need not be immediately obvious - and as anyone who has spent any time reading Literature (or, Fancy Books Which Value Vagueness Over Readability), the more less clear the sentence, the better it is regarded by the Right Sort.

I'm also playing around with random generators, leaning towards Inspiration Pad Pro because you can use it offline on your phone, but I wanted to give HTML buttons a go since some many other bloggers seem to have mastered it (and surely if lots of people use it, it must be good).

Trying it out now, I feel I may have to get a bit more specific with the table entries. At the moment there's just a single {noun} list which I splurged, so there's just a bit too much randomness.

Not perfect, but a simple click further to generate another quick phrase will be a handy crutch for some Wise One improv.

The generator is not quite as flexible as the Inspiration Pad Pro app (which also has a function to insert the right articles for vowel-beginning nouns), and I don't think I can insert tables into inline sublists, but if I can get to grips with it I think it will prove more visually accessible on a screen. I must toy further.

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