Monday, 11 September 2017

The Beginnings of a Pulp Adventure

I have been keen to try Pulp Alley – a wonderfully flexible and unique ruleset – for a long time. I have bought and read all the rulebooks, but up until now have not had the miniatures to have a proper game (even with the rules’ very low minimum requirement).
Until I can steer the wonderful Mrs Doodler towards tabletop gaming as a hobby, I will be playing on my lonesome. Thankfully, Pulp Alley can accommodate this with its special Solo Deck, so all I need to do is build a reasonable collection of miniatures for adventuring.
While I have no traditional 1930s pulp figures, I do have a good number of modern armed and unarmed civilians from a purchasing frenzy for a yet-to-be-completed(-or-even-seriously-tackled) zombie apocalypse collection, so I do have the resources to put together some modern pulp miniatures – more in the vibe of Indiana Jones and James Bond.
Here are the first offerings:

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